- The individual must be at least 18 years old.
- Must not have been convicted or currently be under prosecution for certain misdemeanors and criminal offenses.
- There must be no circumstances indicating that the weapon could be misused (these facts are officially checked by the Ministry of the Interior (MUP)).
- There must be a justified reason for acquiring a weapon, which for individuals includes: personal safety, hunting, or sports shooting, while a legal entity must be registered to conduct certain activities.
- It must be determined through a medical examination that the individual is capable of carrying and possessing a weapon.
- The individual must be trained in handling weapons.
To apply for a permit, submit the following documents at the local unit of the MUP:
- Application form (available at MUP).
- Certificate of medical fitness for holding and carrying weapons.
- Certificate of proficiency in handling weapons (for hunting weapons - a passed hunting exam, for sports - a certificate from a sports shooting organization about active membership, for weapons for personal safety – a certificate issued by the Police Academy for an individual).
- Identification document.